, Appleby Pharmacy


, Appleby Pharmacy

About Appleby Pharmacy

Appleby Pharmacy delivers personalized pharmacy services and support to the local Burlington community with a family touch. Appleby Pharmacy is one of the 8 brands under the Silver Suite – a platform of programs and services available to help navigate the health care landscape. Silver Suite of Services include: Medical Supplies and Equipment, Online & Mail Order Pharmacy and Specialty Compounding, and more.

Solutions Delivered

  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • Blogging
  • Content Development
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Link Building
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Remarketing
  • Social Branding
  • Marketing Automation
  • Analytics & Tracking

, Appleby Pharmacy
, Appleby Pharmacy
, Appleby Pharmacy

, Appleby Pharmacy
, Appleby Pharmacy
, Appleby Pharmacy

The Challenges

It is one thing to generate online traffic and views, and another to convert in-store. Appleby Pharmacy’s primary goal is to not only increase the store’s awareness as a local Burlington retail pharmacy, but also to have more new and returning customers visiting their physical pharmacy and making purchases.

The Strategy

Creating brand awareness in the local Burlington neighborhood is the key to growing customers at Appleby Pharmacy. The strategy included building a modern, SEO friendly website with 10+ utilizing the most updated wordpress themes and design to layout who they are, their service & product categories, the latest discounts & offers, and other conversion-driven key pages. It is also highly important to create professional, fun, and promotion oriented social media profiles across all major platforms, especially Facebook, and Instagram. Facebook paid campaigns would be the most effective ad platform for them because the targeted audiences are everyday people with pharmacy needs.

The Results

, Appleby Pharmacy

Consistent branding from website to social channels

, Appleby Pharmacy

1st page organic rankings

, Appleby Pharmacy

Localized ad campaigns

, Appleby Pharmacy

Hundreds of local visitors every month